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Monday, February 18, 2013

Addition is such a HOOT!

The Common Core Learning Standards have brought may changes this year. One of the things I actually really love is that I can spend so much more time on basic math concepts. We are covering fewer topics now and we are able to really dig our heels in. We spent a LOT of time learning about addition this year. My kiddos learned so many new strategies and tricks for solving those number sentences. When it came time to teach the "Counting On 1, 2, or 3" strategy, I wanted to give my kids a little something special. I have a whole owl theme going on in my classroom this year, so I created a math sorting activity using...OWLS! My little ones LOVED it!  They were so engaged in the activity. I encouraged them to talk the strategy out aloud while they played and I was so impressed with their conversations. I made one set of cards for each of the 5 table groups in my classroom. I added a great recording sheet for them to write down their observations after playing. It was a "HOOT"!

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